Thursday, April 5, 2018

My Narrative Introduction

Maui and the Gigantic eel
It was a stormy night and Maui’s tribe was starving so he set off to catch some food. He knew there was a legendary eel so he went adventuring for it in the sea. Then he got crushed by something he  had never seen before…
A colossal eel approached Maui from behind, Maui collapsed to the ground. He stood up and got his hook and smacked the eel on the head but that didn’t do much damage. Maui had to think on the spot. Suddenly a huge shark came and couldn’t watch Maui defend himself alone so he helped Maui then they settled this once and for all so he chopped his head off.
When Maui got back his tribe cheered Maui! Maui! Maui. so they had scrumptious food to munch on.
